Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Food.. Foood.. Fooood..

Since holiday started around a month ago, i've been telling myself to get a part-time job. I do not want to laze around and risk having a rusty, cacat-ic brain when i return to uni. But right until this day, i'm still pretty much job-less. I know that jobs won't turn up at my doorstep if i do not go out and look for it. Maybe my immune system is just too weak and those icky lazy worm had took over me. Every time i thought of taking an action, the devil within me (or was it those icky worms?) will whisper to me, "Nah, tomorrow only go lar". Damn it.

Anyway, last week was a fat week. I ate a truck load. Dim sum, malay burger, sup kambing, spaghetti, steamboat, japanese food, just to name a few.

Some dim sum mommy bought me for supper. She trying too hard to make me fat. (as if i'm not fat enuf) If she continues her effort, a snout is going to grow in place of my nose. =8

Suppose to be some kind of fusion spaghetti. Turned out to be quite yummy.

Steamboat Mania

Before we begin to dig in.

Tom Yam Soup <---> Kim Chi Soup

Time to dig in and pig out.

My bowl. It looks kinda of icky here.

A greedy frog =)

Guess what is this ice cream look-a-like blob?
(it's actually a really ugly-looking egg..)

All cleared. Full and satisfied =)

Don't you think i look fatter after pigging out all week?
And i'm not happy about it at all =(

If it doesn't stop, i'll eventually look like this..

Ta Da ~

I know lar, my art is not good. But at least it looks funny.. Wakakakakaka.. Food will always be my priority no matter what. I just can't help it. They simply make my eyes glow and my mouth water. I'm craving for a soft, chocolaty, yummy piece of mud cake now. Droooool. Oh.. God save me!!

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